Wednesday, April 14, 2010

curse put on molly and jeff, both get younger.

A very beautful actress named America Ferreria ,who's tv show called ugly betty is going off the air,from abc-tv network,America Ferreria has plans to give up being actress and become a witch.
While at Hollywood bash event, a party for all the actors and actress in the tv series are at, Molly and Jeff were invited and at the event, America Ferrerira is given many powers to become a witch,from 4 other younger witches, who live in a fancy house, outside of downtown, Los Angeless Califorina.
America Ferreria was wearing a very beautful satin low cut dress,she wearsing a magic necklcess ,which gives her lots of powers, America Ferreria bumped into molly and jeff, who are wearing fancy outfits, molly is wearing her hair down and she is wearing a very beautful low cut corset,America Ferreria used her magic powers of witchcraft on both molly and jeff, and here is what happens, jeff kisses molly on the lips, something happens,he started getting younger and younger and becomes a little boys, wearing his dress suit, crying his keeps getting younger, intill he regress into a baby boy, who crawls out of his clothes ,as a naked baby boy, molly's nicolle happened to be at the same party, she put diapers on jeff, then America Ferreria makes molly dispear out of her clothes, molly reapears standing as a named woman, with her fancy corset dress outfit laying on the floor, molly pulls a table clothe from one of the many dinner tables, at this event to cover her naked body, molly runs in the nearest bathroom crying.

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